All Learners Network Blog

Commitment to Equity: Current Climate Demands a Need to Post Again — All Learners Network

Written by Erica Moy | Apr 2, 2022 4:00:00 AM

We are once again bearing witness to violence and racism in our country targeted at people within the Asian community. We are uniting with those who are facing incidents of hate. We once again want to reiterate our commitment to equity.

We stand with those fighting against the white supremacy culture.

We stand with those working towards equity by dismantling systemic racism in our justice system and our society. 

Until there is a genuine, tangible effort toward equity, there cannot be peace in our communities. 

We are proud of the work the All Learners Network is doing. We believe that quality math instruction for everyone moves us towards equity, and leads to greater opportunity for historically marginalized students. We recognize that to see a difference in our education system, we must commit ourselves to change and growth.  

To demonstrate our commitment to addressing inequity in all its forms, we are developing both in-person and online workshops devoted to identifying bias and supporting equity practices for students of color.

We commit ourselves to exploring, developing, and sharing instructional techniques and materials that have, as their primary goal, providing opportunity to every student - regardless of ability, circumstance, or heritage - to be successful with mathematics, and all the advantages that come with it.