All Learners Network Blog

Free Math Intervention Resources for Educators & Specialists

Written by Christa Hagan-Howe | Feb 16, 2024 6:49:19 PM

Math intervention is a constant topic for many of us in preK-12 education.  As an organization committed to supporting math pedagogy so all students can learn math, All Learners Network (ALN) frequently strategizes with districts and schools on how to approach math intervention. We know that for many educators and administrators, the concern for our most vulnerable students is a persistent worry.  We get it - we share that worry. Those students are a huge reason we do what we do. 

Are you looking for a little support around approaching math intervention? We absolutely understand that. That is exactly why we have compiled a few resources for you to access, free of charge, all around math intervention.

Articles & Blogs

Article: “Making the Most of Math Intervention Blocks” by Ashley Marlow

Every child can learn math well. Through a Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS), teachers can design a learning environment that allows every child to learn and thrive. This Edutopia article, written by ALN’s Ashley Marlow, talks about how to structure an intervention block.
Read the article here.

Blog: “What Does an Intervention Cycle Look Like?” by Katie Jacobsen

Using a cycle of instruction provides both educators and students with a structured process for reflecting on growth and moving forward in math understanding. This blog provides an overview of what a cycle of intervention looks like.
Read the blog here.

Blog: “How to Plan for Sustainable, Lasting Math Improvement in Districts & Schools” by John Tapper

“Focusing on intervention will address immediate needs in a district, leading to better outcomes for students with the most unfinished learning. Math instruction for students with learning differences can be challenging for most Special Educators. Preparation to teach math to learners who struggle is often incomplete, as are “off the shelf” remedial programs with proven results. When we provide special educators and interventionists the tools they need to provide quality and inclusive math instruction everyone benefits including classroom teachers.” This is one of the many takeaways John Tapper provides in the blog post as he explores how districts can make meaningful math improvements and explains why math intervention is a critical part of the conversation. 
Read the blog here.


Recorded Workshops

Making the Most of a 30-Minute Intervention Block

In our hour-long recording, we discuss instructional routines and small group lesson structure that promote high engagement and interaction with quality math tasks for all learners.  This recording supports teachers, special educators, and interventionists in identifying priority concepts for intervention groups. We share resources to use when designing your intervention, as well as assessments and progressions documents that you can use to set meaningful goals. Watch it here.

Everyone is an Interventionist: Creating a Robust and Effective MTSS

Purposeful inclusion of all students requires proactive, intentional, and effective Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS). In this workshop recording, we explore how to use the All Learners Network (ALN) High Leverage Concepts (HLCs), the High Leverage Assessments (HLAs), and the HLC Learning Progressions to design targeted intervention cycles in mathematics. This recording is geared towards K-6 classroom teachers, special educators, interventionists, coaches, school psychologists, and anyone involved in an MTSS or Educational Support Team (EST).
Watch it here.


Free Instructional Resources

We have created our High Leverage Resources to help guide educators through intervention. Many of these resources are outlined in the above articles, blogs, and videos. The High Leverage Concepts (HLCs) serve as a road map to ensure that all students meet the most fundamental concepts to move on to the next grade. The HLC Learning Progressions identify the developing stages along a continuum of concepts, models, and skills that lead to student understanding and applying a specific HLC. The High Leverage Assessments (HLAs) assess a student's current understanding of a specific HLC.

Check out the above blogs, articles, videos, and resources. Have questions? Drop us a line and let us know. Ready to meet to discuss how we can provide professional development to help your educators? Meet with our Professional Learning Outreach Coordinator team to discuss what it could look like to collaborate with us.

What Now?

  1. Check out our High Leverage Concepts (HLCs) and watch our HLC Explainer Videos.
  2. Learn about the Summer Math Lab and how it could help address intervention through our webpage and blog.
  3. Meet with our team to discuss what it would look like to have ALN provide professional development for your school or district.

All Learners Network is committed to a new type of math instruction. We focus on supporting pedagogy so that all students can access quality math instruction. We do this through our online platform, free resources, events, and embedded professional development. Learn more about how we work with schools and districts here