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ALN’s Early Learning initiative

Games Before Kindergarten

Supporting Child Development

 We know and believe that building positive early experiences for engaging with math can have a big impact on mathematical understandings later in school. It matters what experiences and opportunities we create for young children to develop joyful moments when investigating mathematical concepts. The overarching goal of Games Before Kindergarten (GBK) is to support children through playing games while developing skills for children to use and grow their math understanding.
 What if all kids played 1,000 games before kindergarten (1)
 There is a predominant focus on early literacy and the importance of reading to young children at home. There are numerous preschool community programs focused on books and early literacy. We know math needs the same attention. Libraries offer super preschool programs for developing foundational literacy skills, pediatricians provide books and ideas to support development of children and literacy skills, and numerous organizations provide books to early learners. All Learners Network became committed to providing these same rich opportunities to build and support children's natural curiosity of numbers through conversations, everyday experiences and games! When we created our GBK resources, we focused on games that kids could select as they want with a focus on easy-to-find materials. 

Online Store - GBK



When we created our Games Before Kindergarten resources, we focused on games that kids could select as they want with a focus on easy-to-find materials. For $10, you can download our entire Games Before Kindergarten booklet so you and the young learner in your life can learn and play together.
The $10 Games Before Kindergarten Booklet includes:
  • 30+ pages of games, printable cards, and guidance
  • A "Grown Up Game Plan" for helping to center the child's math journey
  • Insight on the math that is being learned and practiced through the games
  • Reassurance on supporting a child's productive struggle and what that can look like


We know that building positive early experiences for engaging with math can have a big impact on mathematical understandings later in school. It matters what experiences and opportunities we create for young children to develop joyful moments when investigating mathematical concepts.

We also know that young children engage with mathematics naturally during play. How many of you have heard statements similar to these from young children: “I have more toys than you.” “I’m taller than you.”  “I’m 4, you’re only 3.” “I can jump farther than you.”  These are all examples of young children mathematizing their world authentically. Because we know and believe that building positive early experiences for engaging with math can have a big impact on mathematical understandings later in school, we are committed to working with schools and pre-schools to empower early childhood educators.

We can work with your preschool, school, or district to:

  • Provide training and coaching to educators
  • Plan family game nights for your students and their families
  • Get your educators access to our self-paced, online resources to provide them with tools, games, and professional development


Book a call with our team to discuss how we can help you foster positive early experiences with math for your early learners. Choose thirty or sixty minutes to share your goals and learn more about how ALN can support you and your school or district.