Sandi Stanhope
Chief Learning Officer
Sandi Stanhope worked in Franklin County for over 25 years as a primary classroom teacher, teacher leader, math interventionist and math coach. She has spent more than 20 years digging into the research around the ways in which young children develop early numeracy, additive reasoning, and their overall developing understanding of mathematics. She was a lead facilitator in the development and implementation of and training for the Primary Number and Operations Assessment (PNOA), a tool used throughout VT and elsewhere to identify what young students know and can apply around concepts in early numeracy.
In addition, in the role of a primary mathematics consultant, she is a frequent course instructor and workshop presenter supporting teaching and learning of essential content, knowledge, and pedagogy for teachers and students in the area of mathematics.
Sandi is a 2010 graduate of Vermont Mathematics Initiative (VMI) and a national trainer for OGAP Additive Reasoning.
When she is not immersed in researching the mathematics of young children, Sandi enjoys time off with her family and traveling.