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ALN’s Early Learning initiative

Games Before Kindergarten

 The purpose of this initiative is to support access for all children to engage in games before kindergarten, which will foster experiences developing foundational number sense and mathematical reasoning.

Supporting Child Development

 We know and believe that building positive early experiences for engaging with math can have a big impact on mathematical understandings later in school. It matters what experiences and opportunities we create for young children to develop joyful moments when investigating mathematical concepts. The overarching goal of Games Before Kindergarten (GBK) is to support children through playing games while developing skills for children to use and grow their math understanding.
 What if all kids played 1,000 games before kindergarten (1)
 There is a predominant focus on early literacy and the importance of reading to young children at home. There are numerous preschool community programs focused on books and early literacy. We know math needs the same attention. Libraries offer super preschool programs for developing foundational literacy skills, pediatricians provide books and ideas to support development of children and literacy skills, and numerous organizations provide books to early learners. All Learners Network became committed to providing these same rich opportunities to build and support children's natural curiosity of numbers through conversations, everyday experiences and games! When we created our GBK resources, we focused on games that kids could select as they want with a focus on easy-to-find materials. 


Book a call with our team to discuss how we can help you foster positive early experiences with math for your early learners. Choose thirty or sixty minutes to share your goals and learn more about how ALN can support you and your school or district.
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