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What are the High Leverage Concepts Resources?

There is not a single math curriculum product that can improve success in mathematics. There is not an intervention program that can fix math concerns. The only way to increase student success in math is through high quality math instruction. And the key behind quality math instruction is providing adequate support and development. When pedagogy is supported so that math can be accessible to ALL students - everybody benefits. When teachers are able to build their own grade level math content knowledge and pair that with inclusive math instructional methods - everybody benefits.

How do we do it? How do we go about improving pedagogy with the goal of having all students access equitable math instruction? These are questions we answer every day at All Learners Network (ALN).

Our High Leverage Concepts Resources are the center of all that we do. They guide and support our work.

What makes up the High Leverage Concepts Resources?


High Leverage Concepts (HLCs)

You can't teach students math without knowing students' current math understandings and what grade level mathematics they need to learn that will benefit them the most. The High Leverage Concepts (HLC) serve as a road map to assure that all students are meeting the most fundamental concepts to move onto the next grade. The HLCs do not focus on all grade level concepts, just the single, minimum skill needed to advance to the next grade level - with algebra as the overall trajectory. We name algebra as the overall trajectory because we know that to provide equity to students, and to close existing achievement gaps, all students need to know some mathematics, particularly algebra (Snipes, Finkelstein, Regional Educational Laboratory West (ED) & WestEd, 2015). 

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HLC Progressions

The HLC Progressions identify the developing stages along a continuum of concepts, models, and skills that lead toward student understanding and application of a specific HLC. The HLC Progressions are designed to be a tool for classroom teachers, math interventionists, and special educators who are creating learning opportunities for their students to achieve the concepts targeted by the HLCs. The HLC Progressions are a companion for educators using the HLCs and the HLC Assessments. The progressions are specific to the concepts outlined in the HLCs. All of the HLC Progression documents are designed with increasing complexity from top to bottom and left to right. Students will make progress through the HLC Progression at their own pace through the support of targeted learning opportunities provided by the classroom teacher, math interventionist or special educator. The size of the boxes are not proportional to the amount of time students may spend in each phase. Student growth within these concepts is not always linear and may not happen simultaneously across each skill. The HLC Progressions are not a checklist, but instead are reference points to help guide instruction and highlight progress toward the HLC.

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HLC Assessments

The HLC Assessments allow educators to assess a student’s current understanding of a particular grade level HLC.  These assessments were created to help identify what students CAN do, so that educators can reference the HLCs and the HLC Progressions to plan the next instructional steps.  The HLC Assessments are not assessing all of the math standards for a grade level, just the High Leverage Concept we have identified.

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Together all of the tools within the High Leverage Concepts Resources empower educators to provide equitable math instruction for all students. And that- is what we are here to do - support educators with tools and professional development so all students can access high quality math instruction.


Huang, C. W., Snipes, J., & Finkelstein, N. (2014). Using Assessment Data to Guide Math Course Placement of California Middle School Students. REL 2014-040. Regional Educational Laboratory West.


Click here for the printable version.


What Now?

  1. Check out our High Leverage Concepts (HLCs), watch our HLC Explainer Videos, and then consider these questions:
    1. How do these resources work together to impact access, growth, and instruction?
    2. How could you use these resources to improve access and growth for all students?

  2. Register for one of our upcoming events (many of them are free!).

  3. Bring All Learners Network (ALN) into your school or district for embedded professional development.

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All Learners Network is committed to a new type of math instruction. We focus on supporting pedagogy so that all students can access quality math instruction. We do this through our online platform, free resources, events, and embedded professional development. Learn more about how we work with schools and districts here